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Turning Your Business’ Entry And Exit Into A Hands-Free Customer Experience

Turning Your Business’ Entry and Exit into a Hands-Free Customer Experience

Shirley never liked the front entrance of her flower store. The door was heavy, forcing her customers to back up and put strength into opening it. The closer that slowed its closing constantly needed maintenance. If not taken care of regularly, the door would swing shut fast, startling customers who weren’t expecting the door to shut so quickly on a windy day.

Door Problems Don’t Go Away, They Get Bigger

At the outset of COVID-19, before Shirley temporarily closed her store as a prevention measure, the door was even more of a problem. Customers struggled to open it without making full contact with the door handles. Sometimes, Shirley had no choice but to prop the door open, then sacrifice her HVAC-controlled interior to the changing early-spring temps of the day. 

The door was literally affecting her bottom line, and it needed to be fixed once and for all. Today’s temporary closures created the perfect opportunity for Dillard Door to step in to help, being a certified provider and installer of BEA Sensors for automatic door systems.

Going Automatic Is More Than Convenience

BEA automatic hands-free door options are ideal for stores, restaurants, hotels, gyms, and even office spaces. 

The mechanics operate smoothly, occupants don’t have to make any contact with the door whatsoever, and the door sensors react to people’s movement to safely provide entrance and exit without issue. 

BEA sliding door systems are also fabricated to ANSI 156.10 standards for the highest industry quality standard of functional safety.

Real Benefits With a Simple Change

Shirley’s store is now fitted with a no-touch entry and exit sliding door. She and her family have tested it extensively, and she even gave her neighbors their own individual turns at testing it out in exchange for a free flower bouquet to take home. She’s ready to re-open. 

Shirley looks forward to the many benefits having a hands-free door will have on her business, including reduced spread of germs, a natural increase in foot traffic, and better control of her utility bills. She can now focus on her flowers instead of being distracted with a door problem. 

Dillard Door can make it easy for your office or storefront space, too. Contact us if you want to chat about taking your business hands-free with an automatic door system. 

BEA sliding door options available at Dillard Door
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